Egyptin Forcecraft spells

To help bring money (ARABIC) (don`t expect to be a
millionaire! This is to give you what you need)

The 1 chant consists of 4 lines
Aye Ab, Abber Abra:
Kah! Brakad!
Kad, Kadder, Kaddab.
Dabbar, Dabbar, Kadabbar!

For better health ( This should be done with a
small blue candle,considering you may be ill and
you must do the chanttill the candle is burnt out
and on a Sunday and visualize the infected,or injured
area while doing this)

1. Sagosol
2. Preeva Quilt

Kepser Nanno Rimda Reegah = to help gain respect

Protections and Healing
Bare Nu Lairt on Hear = circle of protection

1. God cweeth eak swilch--------|
2. Bare nu lairt on hear--------|-- said together means circle of protection
3. God gewort there airdan dior-|

1. Brenyar theekan-----------|
2. Astyrian ongonn mid songe-|--to protect yourself
3. Kwen lair lufiend beon----|

Faedaric ic bidde thay hait = To help protect yourself against legal proceedings

closea agate = close gates and negate effects of happenings of people who came

To heal bleeding wounds
gyamit niluil mayzhiwundl heawund = (gil-am-might nile-lung-mill may-zhi-wound-l

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